Easy Word | Luyện nghe

Luyện nghe English the American Way: A Fun ESL Guide to Language and Culture in the U.S - Unit 8: Ooh, Money, Money!)

have money to burn: have a lot of extra money
 Since she got her new job, she spends like she has money to burn!

pay through the nose: pay a lot for something
 You’ll pay through the nose if you go to that fancy new restaurant.

break the bank: be so expensive that it costs almost all you have
 Karen searched the Internet to find a vacation that wouldn’t break the bank.

feel/look like a million bucks: feel/look great
 When Lily’s boss loved her project, she felt like a million bucks.
So she bought a new dress, and she looked like a million bucks.

make a mint: make a lot of money
 The kids made a mint selling lemonade on a hot day.

Grammar Reminder - The Past Simple Tense—Questions, Regular and Irregular Verbs